My Musings

As we heal and grow, we uplift and enlighten those around us.
— sadee

30 Birthday Wishes and Blessings


A dear friend gave me 30 birthday wishes and blessings for my birthday this year and I thought, this is so beautiful, why not share it?

Here is her loving message in its entirety.

May we all receive the wonderful wishes and blessings she lovingly bestows.

Thanks Sue.


Darling Sadee, Happy Birthday!

In honor of you propagating 30 Days of Affirmation all over the world and helping so many people to come into Self-Acceptance- Love-and- Kindness, Appreciation, and Positive Life Action, please accept these 30 Birthday Wishes and Blessings for You!

✨Radiant Health


✨Creative Inspiration and Fulfillment

✨Deep, Fun, and Mutually Uplifting Friendships

✨Beautiful Sharing of Love

✨Great Connections in Everyday Life

✨Great and Supportive Connections in Business

✨True Prosperity

✨Your Work Reaching and Helping Many People, Worldwide

✨Joyous World Travel

✨A Warm and Happy Home that is your Sanctuary

✨Wonderful times Painting when you feel the call

✨A Beautiful Light-filled Studio Space to do your Art/s

✨Your Art Reaching Many People, Worldwide

✨Much Music

✨Much Dancing

✨Much Singing

✨Great Walks

✨Communing with Nature

✨Restful times

✨Beautiful Dreams

✨Beautiful Dreams Awakened

✨Seeing Beauty Everyday

✨Being with Flowers

✨Delicious Nourishing Foods

✨Sharing Great Meals with Friends

✨Time by the Ocean (including your Home~Sea)

✨Being Seen, Heard and Appreciated


✨Walking with Ease and Joy on the Beautiful Planet

"Bonus" Blessings 'cause we're Geminis!



✨A Love Supreme

Sadee, you *are* the Blessing and the Blesser!

So, just like you gave us through your cards, here's the next one (the ever evolving Divine Mystery) for *you* to fill in (where the 🌟's are) and Create every day, *any* day with whatever sparks your Joy, and ignites your Wisdom!

Flow~ Dear Sister!


I Love you!



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